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Our Programmes


  • How will we enforce social distancing?

    There are prominent reminders of the measures implemented across the premises and social distancing rules will be clearly communicated to every student.

    We expect our students to be responsible, respectful and considerate at all times – particularly with regard to social distancing.

  • What is social distancing?

    Social distancing is the recommended distance to maintain from other people. Swiss authorities recommend maintaining a 1.5 metre distance from others. Other appropriate precautions including wearing face masks and sanitising hands are recommended.

  • Will students be safe?

    To keep everyone as safe as possible, we have taken guidance from independent advisors and we will also be following the latest guidelines by the Department of Public Education (DIP). The most important measures we have in place are regular cleaning, regular hand washing / sanitisation, masks for adults at all times and social distancing.

  • What are the latest rules in Geneva?

    We are continually monitoring government advice and public health guidelines at all our schools. In general, adults are asked to practise social distancing both indoors and outdoors and wear a face mask in all public indoor spaces or transport (unless otherwise advised). For the latest advice and guidance related to staying safe in the Geneva, please see the local measures for Geneva.

    For travelling around Geneva, please try to walk or cycle where possible. If you need to use public transport, you must wear a face covering and you should follow the recommendations for passengers from the TPG.


  • How can learning materials be made available for students?

    Materials for classes, such as books, can be ordered directly and delivered to your home. Teachers will also use our Learning Management System (Langlion) to share content and worksheets with students.

  • What measures have been implemented at Bell in response to COVID-19?

    You will find the following measures in place at Bell:

    • Adults are asked to wear a facial mask at all times.
    • Hand gel bottles will be located around the school and outside every classroom. Participants will be asked to use hand gel before entering class and before they leave.
    • We are continually monitoring government advice and public health guidelines for all our adult courses.
      All our procedures have been taken from measures issued by OFSP, Conseil d’Etat de Genève and the FSEA (Fédération suisse de l’enseignement aux adultes) and are subject to change upon decision or advice from FSEA / Canton of Geneva or Federal Authorities.

Under 18s

  • Will children be mixing at playtime?

    Classes will play in the outdoor areas available. In the case of wet weather, students will stay in their classrooms during break times and will not be mixed with another class.

    No snacks or water cups will be shared or provided by Bell. Students must bring their own snacks and water bottle if desired.

  • What safety measures are recommended for parents?

    The following measures in place are to ensure social distancing is maintained:

    • Parents are not allowed to enter the premises and are asked not to group together in front of the building, and to respect social distancing at all times.
    • Parents are asked to wear a facial mask at all times. Parents with questions are invited to contact the teachers directly via our Learning Management System (Langlion) or to arrange an appointment or phone call, which will be held at a convenient time for the teacher and parent in an appropriate space.
    • Due to the limited space in reception, we kindly ask you to email any queries you have, where possible.
  • What safety measures are in place for students?

    Upon arrival at Bell, participants will be reminded of the general guidelines for protection.

    You will find the following measures in place at Bell:

    • Hand gel bottles will be located around the school and outside every classroom. Participants will be asked to use hand gel before entering class and before they leave.
    • Students will be asked to wear a face mask according to the latest DIP protection plan available.