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A leap into the Spanish-speaking world

Bell offer to prepare and take the exams for the DELE Spanish language diplomas.

These are official diplomas that attest to different levels of proficiency and mastery of the Spanish language. They are issued by the Instituto Cervantes on behalf of the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.

These Spanish examinations are based on a methodology that aims to maximise teaching and learning efficiency. They motivate learners of all ages and levels to improve their Spanish and acquire practical skills for daily life. Each exam is aligned to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) scale to help learners develop their listening, speaking and writing skills.

Whatever your goals and ambitions, DELE qualifications are proof of excellence and are recognised by a wide range of universities and organisations around the world.

  • Diploma de Español DELE A1
    The Diploma de Español DELE A1 certifies sufficient knowledge to understand and use everyday expressions frequently used in the Spanish-speaking world to meet immediate needs; to ask and give basic personal information about oneself and one’s daily life; and to interact in a basic way with speakers, provided they speak slowly and clearly, and are willing to cooperate.
  • Diploma de Español DELE A2
    The Diploma of Spanish at level A2 certifies the competence of its participants to understand and use familiar everyday expressions, usually related to topics of immediate interest (basic information about oneself and one’s family, shopping, places of interest, occupations, etc.); to participate in simple, direct conversations on familiar or everyday topics and to describe in simple and clear terms aspects of their background and environment; and to answer questions related to their immediate needs.
  • Diploma de Español DELE B1
    The Diploma of Spanish at level B1 certifies the competence of its participants to understand the main points of oral and written texts in commonly used language, and not excessively localised, provided that they deal with familiar topics, whether related to work, study or everyday life; to deal with most situations and contexts in which such uses occur; and to produce simple coherent texts on topics which are familiar or of personal interest, such as descriptions of experiences, events, wishes, plans and aspirations, or expressions of opinions.
  • Diploma de Español DELE B2
    The Diploma of Spanish at level B2 attests to the competence of its participants to understand the essence of complex oral or written texts, even if they deal with abstract subjects, are presented in different types of Spanish or are of a technical nature, especially if they deal with areas of specialised knowledge to which one has had access; interact with all kinds of speakers with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes the communication effortless for any interlocutor; and produce clear, detailed text on a range of subjects, including those involving dialectical analysis, debate or the defence of a point of view.
  • Diploma de Español DELE C1
    The C1 level Spanish diploma certifies proficiency in a wide range of oral and written texts of a certain length in all variations of the language, even recognising undertones, attitudes or intentions; expressing oneself fluently, spontaneously and without apparent effort; always find the appropriate expression for the situation and context, whether in a social, professional or academic context; and use language in a smooth and effective way, demonstrating correct use in the production of complex texts and in the use of organisational structures and cohesive mechanisms to articulate them.
  • Diploma de Español DELE C2
    The Diploma of Spanish at C2 level certifies the ability to understand practically everything heard or read, regardless of the length of the text, its complexity or degree of abstraction, the degree of familiarity with the subject, the variety of language used or the need to make inferences or perform other operations to understand its content; and to express oneself spontaneously with great fluency and a high degree of semantic and grammatical accuracy, enabling one to differentiate between nuances of meaning, even in highly specialised and complex academic and professional fields.

The DELE exam contains two parts, a written part with three tasks: reading comprehension, oral comprehension and written expression and interaction; an oral part with an oral expression and oral interaction task. The duration varies between 2 and 4 hours depending on the level of the test.

from A1 to C1.
It is strongly recommended to take a free placement test before enrolling to ensure your level.
Available levels
Six levels are offered from A1 to C2.
44 hours - 8 weeks
Cost of the preparation course
CHF 1050
Reference CAF

Why take these exams

Would you like to travel to a Spanish-speaking country, whether to study at a university, do an internship or even work? To make a difference, you need to have your Spanish level certified, which is why DELE diplomas are the perfect solution for you and your ambitions. Here are some more reasons why:

  • It is an official certification awarded by the Cervantes Institute on behalf of the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.
  • The diplomas are internationally recognised by private companies, Chambers of Commerce and public and private education systems.
  • In Spain, they allow access to universities, official language schools, business schools and positions in the public administration.
  • They are increasingly required at foreign universities.
  • They have no time limit, the validity of the results is permanent.
  • They adjust to the guidelines of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).
  • They facilitate scholarships and geographical mobility in the academic and professional fields.

Getting ready

This course enables participants to prepare effectively for the chosen exam by familiarising themselves with the format and expectations of the exam.

Numerous exercises by competence are proposed throughout this course to work on the technique of the exam and to practice with real mock exams.

The preparation sessions can be done in either an intensive (2 week course for a total of 16 hours – CHF 280.-) or regular (8 week course for a total of 44 hours – CHF 1050.-) format.

The aim of our courses is to enable you to familiarise yourself with the procedure and expectations of the exam so that you are in the best possible condition to succeed when the time comes.

Why do this preparation?

At the end of this module, participants will be able to:

  • apply the advice provided to them for each of their exam papers;
  • identify their strengths and weaknesses in each of the skills assessed by the exam and direct their revisions accordingly;
  • approaching the exam with more serenity by building on the greater self-confidence gained through exam practice.

Learning outcomes

Participants in this course can expect to:

  • Improve language skills according to the level targeted in the exam.
  • Become familiar with the exam format.
  • Acquire strategies for exam success.
  • Take practice exams.
  • Pass an exam with confidence.
Learn more

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We’re here to help you find the right course or exam for you.

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us